Digital Resources in German
Digital Libraries
- Zeitschrift für hebräische Bibliographie / hrsg. von Heinrich Body und Aron Freimann (1898-1921)
- The portal Juedische Zeitschriften in NS-Deutschland provides access to 22 Jewish periodicals published between 1933 and 1945 in Germany.
- The portal Exilpresse digital. provides access to 29 periodicals published between 1933 and 1945 in German exile.
- Compact Memory - The Internet Archive of German Jewish Periodicals provides access to more than 100 Jewish periodicals published between 1806 and 1938.
- The Universitaets- und Stadtbibliothek Cologne provides fulltext-access to selected issues of the periodical Die Gegenwart. zeitgemaesse israel. Zeitung fuer Leben, Kunst und Wissenschaft. vozugsweise, Organ fuer die "Vereine fuer juedische Geschichte und Literatur. 16 issues published between 1902 and 1930 are available.
Books & Manuscripts
- The project Staat, Gesellschaft, Nation - Das jüdische Projekt der integrativen Gesellschaft im 19. Jh. und seine Bedeutung für Gegenwart und Zukunft provides access to 55 writings by Jewish Scholars from 1845 to 1873.
- Юдаика - Judaica provides access to selective writings of Jewish Scholars, mainly Zionist Scholars.
- Wikisource: Judaica provides access to selective writing about Jewish History and Culture.