Libraries in France
- The Catalogue collectif de France (CCFr) - Union Catalogue of France locates more than 15 Mio documents. It provides a single search interface for three major catalogues (BMR, BN-Opale Plus and Sudoc)
- Rachel - Reseau européen des bibliothèques judaica et hebraica - The on-line catalog of the European Network of Judaica and Hebraica Libraries searches the Judaica-Collections of the Bibliothèque de l'Alliance israeélite universelle Paris, the Bibliothèque du Séminaire israélite de France Paris, the Bibiothèque Medem (Maison de la cultur yiddish) - Paris Yiddish Center-Medem Library, the Akadem (le Campus numérique juif - the digital Jewish Campus) and the Bibliothèque Michèle Kahn. It contains 200.000 entries.